How to Get the Most out of an Appointment with Your GP

Health & Medical Blog

 It is impossible to place enough emphasis on the value of good health, and as such it is essential t establish good relationships with a medical support team you can trust. In many instances the primary doctor involved in the day-to-day care of a patient will be a GP (an abbreviation of the term 'General Practitioner'), who will usually be the first port of call during a period of ill health.

The role of a GP is to provide medical care to patients in the community. Often situated within medical clinics, a GP is concerned with the overall health and well-being of their patients, and is able to co-ordinate the care of the patient with other specialised services. As every GP has an allotted time for each appointment with their patients, knowing how to advocate for yourself in order to get the most out of the finite appointment time can help to ensure that you receive the best possible care. The information provided below will aid you in advocating for yourself during an appointment with your GP in order to make sure that you receive the help you require.  

Write a list:

If the problem that leads you to your GP's office has numerous symptoms, it can be extremely beneficial to compose a list of the aggravating symptoms prior to the appointment with your doctor. This simple tip guarantees you don't forget to mention something important that could potentially aid the doctor in helping you. 

Be clear, calm, and concise:

For some people, visiting the doctor can be a nerve wracking experience, which can lead rambling and skirting round the issue at hand. In order to get the most out of your appointment with your GP, take a deep breath and be as clear and concise as possible about your reasons for being there. As suggested in the aforementioned advice, writing down the reason for your visit can help focus your mind and calm your nerves. 

Keep a symptom log:

If you are seeing your GP for an ongoing problem then it might be beneficial to keep a log of your symptoms in the few weeks prior to the appointment. For example, if you have made the appointment to see your GP about recurring headaches then keeping a diary logging the date, severity of the headache, and where in your head you felt the pain – alongside any supplemental information such as the amount of sleep you had, and the food you have eaten – might enable your doctor to spot any patterns, giving them an insight into what is going on and how they might best be able to help you. 

Don't be embarrassed:

It is easy, and natural, to feel a sense of embarrassment when discussing a personal or sensitive issue, but GPs really have seen it all before so there is never any need to be embarrassed. 


6 July 2018

Staying Healthy from the Inside Out

Thanks for visiting my health blog! My name's Caroline. A few years ago, I started to notice changes in my appearance. My hair was dull, my eyes were circled with dark rings, and my skin was looking like it used to when I was a teenager. When cosmetic treatments didn't fix things, I realised the problem wasn't on the outside of my body—it was on the inside! That's when I started researching how to keep myself healthy. To my surprise, improving my internal health really worked. A few years down the line, I feel and look better than ever, and I'm ready to share what I've learned with all of you.