Selecting the best hearing aid


Being able to hear properly is important to have a good quality of life. Any hearing issues can cause people to lose self-confidence and prevents them from interacting with others. Aside from this, hearing issues can severely impact a person's day-to-day life as lack of hearing prevents the person from communicating their needs. When children have hearing problems, their learning development can be slowed down, preventing them from leading a normal life and causing hurdles in their future careers. Hearing aids have been a revolutionary device since their invention. Thanks to technological advancements, they have become more discreet and accessible by many patients. There are several types of hearing aids that can fit a patient's needs and budget. This article will take a look at these types.

Types of Hearing Aids

Basically, hearing aids are divided into two broad categories: behind the ear (BTE) and in the ear (ITE). BTE hearing aids are made to fit the groove of the ear either on top or behind the outer ear. ITE hearing aids fit inside the ear and are custom designed for each individual patient. These two categories can be further divided.

In-the-ear styles 

Invisible or completely in the ear canal: These are the smallest type of hearing aids that are placed deep in the ear canal. Because they are fitted deeply, they are able to help the person hear better as they are closer to the ear's pinna. They are barely visible by the naked eye and are made in the same colour as the patient's skin. These are especially suitable for those patients who don't want hearing aids affecting their appearance. However, one disadvantage of this type of hearing aids is that they can be easily damaged from the moisture inside the ear and from ear wax. 

Behind-the-ear styles

Mini BTE: These are barely visible behind the ear with very thin tubing that curves into the ear. This type of design allows air to flow into the ear and is suitable for those who don't feel comfortable with a hearing aid obstructing their ear. 

BTE using an ear mould: These have a longer shape and can be customised to accommodate mild to severe hearing loss. They have more features than other hearing aids, and because they sit behind the ear, they are less prone to damage. 

Always speak to a hearing aid specialist to discuss which option is best for you. 


4 February 2019

Staying Healthy from the Inside Out

Thanks for visiting my health blog! My name's Caroline. A few years ago, I started to notice changes in my appearance. My hair was dull, my eyes were circled with dark rings, and my skin was looking like it used to when I was a teenager. When cosmetic treatments didn't fix things, I realised the problem wasn't on the outside of my body—it was on the inside! That's when I started researching how to keep myself healthy. To my surprise, improving my internal health really worked. A few years down the line, I feel and look better than ever, and I'm ready to share what I've learned with all of you.