Anita Hernandez

How to Get the Most out of an Appointment with Your GP

Health & Medical Blog

 It is impossible to place enough emphasis on the value of good health, and as such it is essential t establish good relationships with a medical support team you can trust. In many instances the primary doctor involved in the day-to-day care of a patient will be a GP (an abbreviation of the term 'General Practitioner'), who will usually be the first port of call during a period of ill health.

6 July 2018

Aorta Aneurysm: Health Insights to Help You Overcome Anxiety and Manage Vascular Disease Successfully

Health & Medical Blog

If you suffer from an aortic aneurysm, then it's advisable that you familiarize yourself with valuable health information. Aorta aneurysm can cause a lot of anxiety, and failure to understand the condition and the options available for you may worsen the anxiety. Remember that anxiety and stress can prompt, high blood pressure, which tops the list of aorta aneurysm triggers. Below are useful health insights on aorta aneurysm you may find useful to help you successfully manage the condition.

22 May 2018

Overcome Irritating Dry Eye Problems


Do you frequently notice a slightly scratchy sensation or a feeling that something is in your eye? You may have also observed that your eyes tire quite quickly. If this happens on a regular basis, it is quite likely that you are suffering from dry eye syndrome.  This aggravating condition can prevent you from doing some everyday and necessary tasks such as computer work and reading. Here's what you need to know about this irritating condition and ways to relieve those annoying symptoms.

23 April 2018

Creased Up: How Physiotherapy Can Help Treat 3 Injuries Commonly Suffered By Cricketers

Health & Medical Blog

Cricket may have a reputation as being somewhat more sedate than other sports, but anybody who plays the sport either casually or professionally knows that this reputation is way wide of the mark. The sudden bursts of speed and unnatural, savage jerking motions associated with batting, bowling and fielding can all take their toll on the fittest body, and it's no surprise that cricketers tend to suffer from a distinct range of injuries and ailments because of them.

20 March 2018

Three tips for healthy pregnancy

Health & Medical Blog

If you have just found out that you are pregnant, here are a few tips which should help to ensure that you and your baby remain healthy throughout the course of your pregnancy. Take a folic acid supplement Most doctors recommend that pregnant women take a folic acid supplement for the first 12 weeks of their pregnancy. Research has shown that this substance can help to reduce the chances of a foetus developing neural tube defects.

28 November 2017

Recovering from prostrate cancer surgery

Health & Medical Blog

Unfortunately prostate cancer is still not widely discussed so while it´s the second most common cancers for men and 1 in 5 men will develop prostate cancer during their lifetime, many people do not have someone close to them with whom they can discuss prostate cancer surgery and the recovery process. Here are some tips to help you get through the post surgery process.  Understand the tumour The size and positioning of the tumour will affect how the surgeon enters the abdomen and removes the growth.

18 September 2017

Photophobia: 4 Possible Causes


It is natural to respond to bright light by squinting your eyes slightly until they have adjusted to the bright light levels. However, if you experience pain when your eyes are exposed to bright light, you may be suffering from photophobia. Below is a guide to the possible causes of photophobia. In some cases, sudden photophobia could be a sign of a serious health condition. Corneal abrasion If you get a piece of dust or dirt trapped on the surface of your eye, it may result in a corneal abrasion.

21 August 2017

Hot to Spot When a Mole Needs to be Checked

Health & Medical Blog

Everyone has moles on their body somewhere. They're simply collections of skin cells that are usually darker than your normal skin colour due to increased melanin in the mole's location, although there are several different types which vary slightly in their appearance. While they're generally nothing to worry about, there are some occasions where it's worth getting a check to make sure a mole isn't cancerous. Although skin cancer is one of the most easily treated forms, it's still important to catch it as early as possible and act without delay.

25 July 2017

How Physiotherapy Helps You Recover from Surgery

Health & Medical Blog

Whether your surgical procedure is big or small, the chances are it will impact the way you function afterwards. Attending a physiotherapy clinic following your procedure enhances the post-operative recovery period through improving your range of movement, reducing the risk of clots, and promoting wound healing. Knowing more about physiotherapy and its uses will help you decide how it can work for you. Following an orthopaedic procedure, you'll enhance your range of movement

19 July 2017

3 Benefits of Chiropractic Care


When thinking of chiropractic care, you may believe it will only be of benefit for those who have musculoskeletal issues such as joint pain or arthritis. However, chiropractic care can in fact be helpful to a wide range of people and is an excellent way to boost your overall health and wellbeing. Below is a guide to 3 benefits of receiving chiropractic treatment. Reduced stress levels The modern world can be very busy and stressful.

11 July 2017