Sleep Hygiene Tips for Battling Insomnia

Health & Medical Blog

Many people find that they have the occasional poor night of sleep. But when those occasions turn into regular occurrences, your daily life could suffer. Suffering from insomnia can increase your risk of anxiety and depression. It may also affect your ability to participate in certain activities. As well as seeing your GP for help, you may want to try these simple sleep hygiene tips.

Balance Your Bedtimes

Your brain's circadian rhythm partly relies on consistency to function. This rhythm is your body's clock, and having it in balance can affect how easily you fall asleep. If possible, go to bed and wake up at the same time no matter what. Additionally, avoid taking naps during the day if you didn't sleep well the night before. When your brain receives consistent input on when you want it to sleep, it's more likely to do so.

Avoid Tossing and Turning

Your bed should be a place that your brain naturally associates with sleep. As such, if you spend time tossing and turning each night it will associate your bed with stress. This will make it difficult for you to switch off and sleep. If you find yourself struggling to sleep, get out of bed after 20 minutes or so and engage in a relaxing activity. Doing this will gradually reduce the likelihood of your brain associating your bed with stress.

Make Your Bedroom a Sanctuary

In addition to not associating your bed with stress, you should turn your bedroom into a relaxing sanctuary. Avoid engaging in work-related activities there. If possible, eliminate backlit screens from your bedroom. Try to reduce harsh lighting and clutter, as both can accidentally make your brain chaotic. Finally, consider the use of relaxing essential oils such as lavender and chamomile.

Avoid Clock Watching

If you tend to wake during the night or you routinely struggle to fall asleep, try to avoid clock watching. Seeing the time can spark feelings of frustration, which in itself makes sleep harder. Instead, reassure yourself that even if you don't sleep, you'll make it through the following day. When you don't worry about the situation as much, you're less likely to succumb to insomnia.

Finally, always make sure you touch base with your GP when it comes to poor sleep. They may be able to offer advice that's more personal to your circumstances. They can also refer you to a sleep hygiene clinic if they deem it suitable to do so.


25 February 2022

Staying Healthy from the Inside Out

Thanks for visiting my health blog! My name's Caroline. A few years ago, I started to notice changes in my appearance. My hair was dull, my eyes were circled with dark rings, and my skin was looking like it used to when I was a teenager. When cosmetic treatments didn't fix things, I realised the problem wasn't on the outside of my body—it was on the inside! That's when I started researching how to keep myself healthy. To my surprise, improving my internal health really worked. A few years down the line, I feel and look better than ever, and I'm ready to share what I've learned with all of you.