Anita Hernandez

Navigating the Landscape of Independent Nurse Practitioner Roles

Health & Medical Blog

In the dynamic world of healthcare, independent nurse practitioners hold a unique position. This detailed blog will delve into the realm of independent nurse practitioner roles, offering insights into the responsibilities, benefits and challenges that accompany this career path. The Role of Independent Nurse Practitioners Independent nurse practitioners are highly skilled medical professionals who offer comprehensive patient care. They diagnose and treat health conditions, prescribe medications and provide patient education. Their role is critical in filling gaps in healthcare, particularly in areas where access to doctors might be limited.

2 February 2024

Finding the Right Psychologist for You: 7 Key Areas to Consider

Health & Medical Blog

Finding the right psychologist for your needs can be a daunting task, but it is an important step in ensuring that you receive the support and care you need. Here are some tips to help you choose the best psychologist for your needs. Determine your needs: Before you start looking for a psychologist, it is important to identify your specific needs and goals for therapy. Are you looking for support with a specific issue, such as anxiety or depression, or are you seeking more general guidance in managing your mental health?

20 December 2022

IBS: How Your Medical Centre Can Support You

Health & Medical Blog

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic condition that causes regular digestive discomfort and can leave you feeling fatigued. The pain often experienced by IBS sufferers can make it difficult to stay in work, make plans and enjoy social activities. As a result, mental health can often deteriorate and sufferers may feel there's no hope of feeling better. IBS tends to be diagnosed by a gastroenterologist, and your GP will refer you to your local hospital for diagnosis.

19 July 2022

Sleep Hygiene Tips for Battling Insomnia

Health & Medical Blog

Many people find that they have the occasional poor night of sleep. But when those occasions turn into regular occurrences, your daily life could suffer. Suffering from insomnia can increase your risk of anxiety and depression. It may also affect your ability to participate in certain activities. As well as seeing your GP for help, you may want to try these simple sleep hygiene tips. Balance Your Bedtimes Your brain's circadian rhythm partly relies on consistency to function.

25 February 2022

Top Benefits of Vascular Ultrasounds

Health & Medical Blog

When you think about ultrasounds, you might think about certain types of ultrasounds, such as when an ultrasound is used to monitor the progress of a pregnancy. However, there are different types of ultrasounds, and ultrasounds can be used for lots of different things. For example, vascular ultrasounds are common, and there's a chance that your doctor might have scheduled a vascular ultrasound for you. If so, then you could be wondering about the benefits of having a vascular ultrasound done.

1 October 2021

Osteopathy: Your Questions Answered

Health & Medical Blog

Osteopathy is not a type of medicine, but it is a form of treatment. It is based on the principle that some problems in the body are caused by restrictions in, or lack of mobility of, the muscles and fascia. This article answers some questions you may have about osteopathy. What is an osteopath? An osteopath is a health professional who has received specialist training in the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions.

12 May 2021

3 Ways A Physiotherapist Can Help Postnatal Diastasis Recti

Health & Medical Blog

During pregnancy, your abdominal muscles stretch and your linea alba muscles, which is the band that runs right down the centre of your abdomen, can separate. This separation is called diastasis recti and doesn't tend to resolve on its own. You can develop diastasis recti in your first pregnancy, but it's more common in women who've had more than one pregnancy. Classic signs of diastasis recti include lower back pain and having a tummy bulge that can make you look pregnant when you're not.

29 December 2020

Essential Elements to Consider Before Undergoing Laser Prostate Surgery

Health & Medical Blog

The number of people diagnosed with prostate cancer is increasing significantly, necessitating timely intervention measures. Novel treatment options are available, ranging from invasive to non-obtrusive laser surgeries. Due to the complexity of the technologies involved, many patients don't know the best option to pursue when facing the knife. Here are a few factors to guide you or someone you know on the most appropriate solutions. 1. Size As with any other tumour, size has a direct bearing on the type of surgery to undergo.

16 July 2020

Understanding Peripheral Artery Disease

Health & Medical Blog

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a relatively common condition that impairs blood circulation due to plaque build-up forming along artery walls. This reduces blood flow to your limbs and is often a sign that you're at risk of developing related conditions, such as atherosclerosis. Here's an overview of the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment approach for PAD: Causes And Symptoms It's not always possible to determine why a person develops PAD, but there are some factors that are thought to increase your risk of developing this condition, such as smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and obesity.

27 February 2020

How Physiotherapy Can Improve Your Wellbeing


Physical therapy treatments are focused on maximising the quality of an individual's life and movement possibilities. Also known as physiotherapy, physical therapy is a health profession in which experts assess, diagnose and treat individuals through physical means. Physiotherapy has been proven to not only help develop but also maintain and restore maximum movement in individuals struggling with certain health conditions and even disabilities. Doctors might recommend physiotherapy to help reduce pain, improve joint movement and restore mobility and flexibility, among other things.

10 December 2019